Uncover your Essence with 1:1 Mentorship.

At the core of everything we do, create and offer into the world - is the essence of who we are. I believe that our ‘purpose’ is simply an extension of fine tuning who you are so much that anything you create, is a living, breathing, embodiment of that. The point where you become an instrument of purpose - and your life, creations + enterprise are simply a vehicle for you to express it. This mentorship is here to unlock your legacy identity - supporting you to leave the mark that only you can make in the world.

Chances are if you’re here, you’re a purpose driven, ambitious woman who’s tried ‘all the things’. Yet despite investing in endless systems and strategies…you’re still feeling drained, frustrated, resentful, disappointed, lost and quite frankly stuck. You’ve probably questioned at times if this is for you, if it should be this *hard*, if you’re missing a key step or at times wondering if you’ve got what it takes.

And you absolutely do. But maybe deep down, you’ve had a niggle telling you that SURELY there’s another way. I’m here to tell you there absolutely is. A more sustainable, nourishing, clear, abundant and alive way. One that leaves you feeling at ease, full of peace, lit the fuck up in joy and satisfaction, aligned around YOUR definition of success and leaves room for you to be surprised and delighted along the way. It’s YOUR WAY - and it’s all right there, mapped out clear as day in your Human Design.

The world is rapidly shifting and we’ve entered an entirely new era of awareness, enterprise and leadership - I know you feel it too. One where ENERGETIC RESONANCE is firmly at the forefront. Where I help statements are out and value statements are in. One where intellectualised funnels and punchy call to actions mean nothing - if people can’t feel YOU in there. You can’t outsmart or outwork your alignment and how people EXPERIENCE YOU.

This is why having the clarity, confidence and conviction in who you are, what you offer and who you are in the delivery of it is EVERYTHING…

…and this is where Essence Mentorship comes in to support you.

Imagine if in three months time, you were feeling more empowered than ever before in your genius, you were clear AF on your purpose and what you’re here to bring in the world and taking bolder action than you ever have before. You’ve stopped spinning your wheels in overthinking, have moved beyond the trappings of what’s ‘realistic’ and propelled yourself into the infinite possibility that is YOU when you’re aligned to your design, expanded in your mindset and deeply connected to the wisdom of your body. It’s your time - let’s grow.


Who is this for?

Essence Mentorship is ideal for coaches, mentors, healers, guides, service providers or small business owners who are ready to unlock the extraordinary potential that lies within you, propelling you to become an influential one-of-a-kind force in your industry. This is for you if you’re tired of the same old rinse + repeat methods that force you into a box that contorts your wisdom, your expression and your fulfilment - and instead, you’re ready to write your own rulebook. This is for the wild ones, the rebels, the creatives, the innovators and those who are ready to be an artist of their craft, a commitment to their soul purpose and deepen into the embodiment of their legacy identity.

What is the Essence Method?

This mentorship is designed to support you to gain clarity, confidence and fulfilment in YOUR way - your essence. When you have unshakeable knowing in who you are, what you’re here for, how you work best, the way you’re designed to create your impact - it opens up an entirely new level of self trust, self belief and conviction in your path, purpose and your ability to make your wildest dreams a reality. No more second guessing. No more wondering, ‘is this what i’m meant to be doing?’, ‘is this the way?’, ‘why is this 6 step process not working for me…again?’, ‘can I actually do this?’. I want you leaving this mentorship feeling inspired, energised, aligned, empowered and with waves of creativity pouring through you into the world. How do we do this? Through my ESSENCE method. The best part about this? It’s tailored entirely to YOU, by design. No one size fits all around here.

  • Establish a Vision. When you pull an arrow back, you need to have a target to hit first. In this phase of the mentorship, we are going to provide a clear north star for you to work towards in our time together, but also have a crystal clear understanding of the fundamentals of your design so we know what needs to be sharpened, what you’re already doing naturally and any potential conditioning tripwires we get to unravel together.

  • Stabilise Your Foundation. The deeper the roots, the higher we grow. This next stage in our journey together means deepening into the stability in your body, nervous system and belief you have in yourself. In order to create true, lasting transformation - we need the ideal environment to do it in. Consider this step like fertilising the soil you’ll grow from. This is where you’ll deepen your trust in your body wisdom and begin to unravel the hooks of toxic productivity culture and honour how your creative energy actually works.

  • Sharpen Your Strengths. In our design, we have areas of definition that inform our strengths, gifts and genius that we are here to contribute into the world. This is how we make our impact and is quite often the HOW we do what we do. It also informs our creative process, our purposeful impact, our soul message and what most people recognise us for. In this phase of the mentorship, we’ll be sharpening your strengths so that you’re absolutely utilising every aspect of your design to the fullest capacity.

  • Engage Your Wisdom. In our design, we also have areas of openness that are like our ‘course load’ for this lifetime. This is where we have the most opportunity for growth, evolution and ultimately the wisdom we are here to share based on our own lived experience. This actually forms the WHAT we do and how we help, guide and support others. However, this is also the area where we often experiencing conditioning and ‘Not-Self’ limiting beliefs - so this is where we hone in on what gets to be unravelled for you to be able to make the most aligned impact.

  • Nurture Your Impact. By this stage of the mentorship we are beginning to see the alchemy of the process come together and this is where we really hone in on how it all works together and really nurture the impact you’re here to create. Embodying your strengths, leaning on your wisdom, experimenting and embodying your auric genius and cultivating the confidence, self-belief and trust in your own process. We also use this phase to dive into some of the nuances and details of your impact that create the complete picture.

  • Creativity into Action. This is the stage where you really begin to fly babe. We begin to dial into your EXPRESSION. Moving into new levels to be seen, express and bring your vision to life.

  • Evolve into your Legacy Identity. In this final stage, we zoom out and look at your Legacy. Your legacy is the impact you want to leave behind - your purpose and business are the vehicle to get you there. This is where we alchemise the threads together and leave you embodied in your essence so that you anything and everything you do moving forward IS your purpose and IS creating the footsteps of your legacy.

How it works.

My entire philosophy is based on one solid principle - we ALREADY have everything we will ever need inside us. It is simply a process of revealing it. This mentorship is not about forcing you to conform to a system that is out of integrity with how you’re ultimately here to create your one-of-a-kind impact.

It’s a series of permission slips, soul exhales - a remembrance and activation of who you already ARE. What is already your truth. What already comes naturally to you. Anything that is in the way of that, is what we will also work through refining and releasing so you can expand into your authentic essence with ease. In this mentorship, we’ll cover a three-tiered approach. We’re working on a MIND, BODY + SOUL level to remove any shred of dogma, not-self, conditioning or others truths from your cells so we can naturally reveal the radiant, empowered essence that’s already there. I’m here for YOU. That multifaceted, unique, inimitable, one of a kind you - that leaves your life dripping with purpose and meaning.

Human Design: Understand Yourself on a Deep Level. Human Design is a powerful system that delves into your energetic blueprint, helping you to understand your strengths, ‘Not-Self’ shadows that offer growth + wisdom and unique talents. It provides valuable insights into your gifts, decision-making process, expression, leadership style and how you best impact others. This is the framework that we will use as a backdrop for the entire mentorship, as it shows us the innermost workings of how to create a way of doing business that is completely unique to YOU, which makes the journey entirely unique to YOU depending on your soul blueprint. You’ll gain a deep understanding of your Human Design through this mentorship and learn how to align your actions with your authentic self. You’ll feel confident in who you are, clear AF in your soul gifts, purpose and direction. You’ll leave feeling embodied in your design and empowered to make soul aligned, bold choices and moves - leading to greater success and fulfilment in your life and business. No more adapting ‘the way’ - you’ll know YOUR WAY.

Mindset: Rewire Your Thinking for Aligned Success. Your mindset is foundational for achieving your wildest dreams and maximising the potential of your genius. This mentorship focuses on identifying and transforming limiting beliefs, societal conditioning, ‘should’s’ and self-sabotaging patterns that are holding you back from embodying your design. You’ll learn proven science backed techniques to reframe your thoughts, cultivate positivity and develop a growth mindset. By up-levelling your mindset, you’ll gain the confidence and resilience needed to overcome challenges and embrace new opportunities. We’ll strip away the feelings of not enough-ness or too much-ness that take away from your ALL-ness - and meet an entirely new level of worthiness, deservingness and authentic self-expression. The transformation in your perspective will open doors to unlimited possibilities and bring your aspirations within reach.

Somatic Embodiment: Connect with Your Body's Wisdom. Your body holds immense wisdom and acts as a gateway to transformation - and in fact, informs and shapes a lot of our self-belief, confidence, safety in being seen, launching our offers into the world and holding the magnitude of our vision. We actually retain 70% more information when we learn through the body - so even when we ‘know’ our design, even when we have done the mindset work - we have to bring the learning into the body for it to stick (which is often a missing component in a lot of personal growth work). This mentorship incorporates somatic embodiment techniques to help you connect with your body wisdom, develop a heightened sense of intuition, self-awareness and expand to hold your legacy identity. This will also clear out any stagnant energy, emotion and beliefs stored in the body so you can create space for what you DO want (and hold it with ease). The health of your nervous system = the health of your business. This somatic exploration will enable you to cultivate a deeper sense of self-trust and make choices that are in alignment with your highest self + your unique design.

What’s Included.

Over the three month journey together, you’ll receive:

  • 9 x 1:1 Mentoring calls (via zoom) and Breathwork + Embodiment Sessions (either in-person if you can travel to the Gold Coast or online for everywhere else). Each session is 2 hours.

  • You’ll have direct access to me on Voxer (a messenger platform) where you’ll be able to connect, share and have guided support. Consider it like having me in your pocket, cheering you on every step of the way and offering clarity and guidance between sessions.

  • A detailed Soul Blueprint Report to use as a ‘user manual’ to refer back to time and time again highlighting your genius, gifts, wisdom and unique purposeful impact.

  • Integration tools in between each session for you to deepen your embodiment + self awareness (including guided meditations, somatic practices and self exploration tools).

  • Access to entire portal of self paced content that will allow you to deepen your understanding of your Human Design, resource your nervous system & step into your power.

  • OPTIONAL UPGRADE: a 1:1 Immersion Day where we’ll spend the entire day together diving into your most empowered, aligned self and how to bring that to the world in an even bigger way. Think business strategy + creative brainstorming, content creation, offer creation, branding + visual up-levels, breathwork + putting plans into motion in real time - all in alignment with your Human Design. If you’re local (can travel to the Gold Coast) we can do this in person, otherwise we can also do a virtual day too. You can check out examples of the Immersion Days here and here.

Next Steps & Investment.

Feeling ready to grow and curious if Essence Mentorship is right for you? Next step is you book a chat below (and fill out a few questions). We jump on a call and see if you feel a resonance with working with me, if what I offer is what you desire and going to be supportive for you and your unique journey. Know that I will always respect (and encourage) your decision making process and never request a commitment or payment on the spot. This is a no pressure chat for you to get the details and feel it out. The investment for Essence Mentorship is $3000PIF or monthly payment plan options of 3 x $1000 or 6 x $500. If you decide you’d also like the optional upgrade for the 1:1 Immersion Day, that’s an additional $950 and this can be woven into your payment plan.

What if…

In three months time at the end of the mentorship, you have the deepest knowing of who you are and what you’re here for you’ve ever had. You’re crystal clear about your genius and feel empowered to be seen in a bigger way and share your magic with the world. You’re no longer shrinking to fit in - but claiming your uniqueness to stand out. You’re feeling more satisfaction and peace than ever in your days. You’re energised by your work and lit up with creativity and inspiration. You’re saying yes to your dreams and taking bolder action than ever before. You know who TF you are and nothing is going to stop you.


Additional 1:1 Options.

Looking for something a little more laser focused? I got you! If you know you need a little ‘tune up’ or have a specific area of focus you want to work on, the 1:1 Soul Blueprint Session is for you. These sessions pack a punch - covering anything from energetic refinement around your offers, clarity on your genius or messaging, deeper attunement to your Human Design or moving through any resistance to pick the momentum back up again in the pursuit of your purpose. The Soul Blueprint sessions are $340 and you get a copy of the recording + a detailed PDF of your unique Human Design.

If you like the sound of Essence Mentorship but would prefer something condensed and In-Person, the Immersion Days are for you. We’ll spend a full day together that’s completely tailored to act as a catalyst of transformation in the area you want to grow + evolve in. Imagine this…you arrive at the location, have a cacao ceremony + pull a card to set the intention for the day. You unwrap a personalised gift and then immerse yourself in strategy, creative brainstorming and creation, putting plans into motion and bringing your vision to life in real time before grounding out and integrating the day with breathwork. You’ll get lunch + snacks provided throughout the day and we’ll also have a Voxer check in two weeks after to fine tune any remaining pieces. PLUS - you’ll receive access to AlcheME as a bonus. The immersion days are $950 or payment plan options available. Keen to learn more and see what would be included in your experience? Book in a quick chat and let’s dream! These are held on the Gold Coast, Australia (however I can also customise these to be online if you aren’t local). You can check out examples of the Immersion Days here and here.


What is the structure of the mentorship sessions - are they conducted all online or in-person?

Inside Essence Mentorship, you’ll get nine x 1:1 sessions that will be a blend of mentoring and somatic/body based sessions. All sessions are held on zoom, with the exception of if you are local (Brisbane/Gold Coast) and would like to have your Breathwork Sessions in person. If you decide to take the optional Immersion Day Upgrade, you can also do these either online or in-person.

Does this mentorship program accommodate different time zones for those who are international?

Absolutely. We’ll find a time for our sessions that work for you and fit within your time zone.

Can I still join the mentorship if I am at the beginning of my career or if I am transitioning to a new field?

100%! This will be perfect for you regardless of what stage career you’re at - beginning, transitioning or skilled expert. You’ll benefit from the depth of clarity you’ll have about yourself that will provide insight and guidance for you to create an incredible foundation to propel you forward, move past any mindset blocks, gain more confidence in who you are and what you have to offer as well as resourcing the nervous system to hold even more success moving forward.

Are there any prerequisites or skills I need to have before joining the mentorship program?

The only thing you’ll need is a willingness to grow, a commitment to your evolution and be ready to expand into your fullest potential. Outside of that, nothing else is required of you other than to show up as your sparkly amazing self.

what if i’ve never done breathwork?

That’s absolutely fine! Providing you have none of the contraindications for breathwork, i’ll walk you through every step of the way. If you do, we can swap that out for something else that will be equally nourishing for the nervous system and body like EFT or somatic movement.

What if I don’t know anything about Human Design, is this mentorship still for me?

For sure - I’ll be explaining everything as we go and you’ll get additional resources to deepen any understanding along the way as well. The main thing is we are using this as a beautiful backdrop for our journey so we can pinpoint the energetic root cause of any ‘not-self’ beliefs or behaviours and also have crystal clear clarity on what is correct for YOU.

How is this mentorship different from other programs?

This mentorship is vastly different as it’s completely tailored to your one-of-a-kind soul blueprint. No one size fits all, no best practices - just what is going to ultimately support YOU. You’ll get to know yourself, your quirks, your inner world and your genius like never before. Not only that, this mentorship works with your mindset, your physical and energetic body to unravel any conditioning or beliefs in the way of you owning your magic. We’re not adding, not forcing - just revealing what’s already there.

Will I get any resources or materials for further learning and application after the mentorship program?

Yes! You’ll get access to entire learning portal of resources to support you while you’re in the mentorship and long after it closes, including Human Design information, meditations, EFT + Breathwork audios to rewire you’re entire being for alignment to your purpose and success + more.

What is the process for joining the mentorship program? Is there an application process? 

There is no application process for joining this mentorship, simply a connection call to see if we’re a good fit for working together and if what I offer is going to support you. If it’s not, i’ll be transparent with that and recommend you to someone I know who may be able to support you best. But if we are, I absolutely look forward to supporting you in this chapter of your journey.