The MG is a powerful hybrid of the Manifestor and the Generator (making up about 33% of the population), with the mighty capacity to work with the oomfph of the Generator, and the fast moving impact of the Manifestor. Because of that, there's a spectrum of where you might fall in that push / pull of the stable generator energy & the 'floor on the gas' Manifestor energy. The MG may change their mind, career, location or network often, and they’ll often act quickly on impulses.
They’ll act quicker than the Generator, but they’ll also course-correct more often too. So what we revere in society is consistency - and that’s not necessarily who you are. Your energy is here to innovate, excite and inject freshness in to our society. You have an open and attractive aura that scoops us up into that. Think of yourself like a hummingbird - cross pollinate with your interests and allow yourself and give yourself permission to quit, start again, and change your mind. We then learn from you that it’s ok to change our mind and that it’s ok to be in flux and diverse. Don’t feel the pressure to ‘push through’ - you pick things up quickly and might be complete quicker than other energy types.
You’re also great at building rapport with others and bringing connection and innovation into communities. Newness is really easy to doubt, but if it’s alive in you and it feels good - it’s for you. AND you might have been conditioned out of it. It's time to trust that hummingbird energy again and give yourself to live life with 'multiple tabs open' - even when people don't understand it. Remember, there is no skill that goes un-wasted in the fabric you weave.
The energetic strategy of the Generator is 'To Respond'. So what does this actually mean? It doesn't mean that you have to wait around for something to respond to - it means that you are here to observe the world around you and check your INNER WORLD to see how you RESPOND to IT.
You're here to be in the FLOW of life, living in a very 'yes/no' capacity. Is this going to bring you more joy, more yes? Like a frog on a lily pad - jumping on the ones that bring you more joy, delight and YES......and delete, detox, delegate and refine the ones that don't.
The more you're in your joy, the more activated your sacral becomes - spilling out in to your auric field which turns you in to a super magnet for the things you desire. This is why your strategy is to respond, because if you're magnetising life to you - you need to check in how you feel about what's coming in to your vortex. As a Manifesting Generator, you also have the capacity to respond to MULTIPLE things hitting your auric field and vortex.
So checking in to your body, am I expanding towards this, or contracting away from this? A simple example would be to give yourself a yes / no question. Do you want pizza or tacos? Beachside or mountains? Do you contract towards or have an 'ugh' feeling about one? Maybe you notice you make a sound (audible or mental) or your physicality changes.
And when you get that hit of 'YES!' - THEN initiate, create, be, do whatever your heart desires (and probably quickly lol). But always wait for that inner world to give you that hit, rather than going in to force or should - even when there is an ebb or pause, don't be tempted to come out of your strategy. There will always be something else to respond to, but you can pass the time by putting yourself in environments that bring you joy that'll spark your inspiration.
Your 'signature' is satisfaction and your 'not self' is Frustration. When you feel Frustration, check in - where are you not in alignment with your design? What needs to change? Where do you need to refine, remove and reassign & come back to joy? Our not self is a gift, as it gives us the ability to pause and course correct. As a generator, you're seeking SATISFACTION. So take note of the things that bring you that and lean in more.
Want to tap into your sacral joy? Listen to this meditation for Mani-Gens.
Experiencing the Not-Self Emotion? Use this guided Breathwork meditation to shift it.
For a full reading, head to + grab some oracle cards for your type here:
Deepen your understanding of your energetic impact, connect to your inner gps through your decision making process and learn how you’re here to lead + bring your purpose to life.