When I did the Icons + Innovators exhibit back in April, I had no idea that actually, it was far more than a month long content gallery…

…it was actually my soul mission.

For anyone who’s been in this space for a while, you’ll know you get an avalanche of me or virtually none at all 🤪 #manifestorlyfe

When I pull back into my rest periods, although you don’t see me - A LOT is taking place behind the scenes & quite often I emerge feeling like an entirely new human.

In this one, I went DEEP into my own purpose energetics + soul message. I hired a new mentor & built an entirely new body for my vision.

I built the foundations for new creations & burned down & rebuilt old ones.

What I (re)learned in this time, was that nothing that excites you is by chance - your soul is always speaking clues through your body.

The reason the content exhibit felt so alive for me made all the sense in the world when I saw the new evidence in my design. Suddenly so many of the dots along the journey made sense.

I’m a champion for your dreams to come true. To unlock the stored memory of your genius through a process of inner alchemy. For you to be an instrument of your purpose.

Because the more of us who are moving with speed & courage towards our personal legacy, circulating our soul gifts into the world - the more we begin to light up every corner of the cosmos.

We move from competition to communion. From imitation to innovation. From doubt to dreams.

The revolution of the individual is here…and THAT is what is going to create collective synergy.

All it takes sometimes, is to walk through the door that’s waiting for you. Despite the fear of what’s on the other side and remember that you’ve always had what it took to open it. You have always had the key to your personal legend.

Next week, the momentum is shifting here - and many doors will be opening for you to walk through.

- Doors for your inner icon to flourish.

- Doors that act as a reminder that you are a legend in the making.

- Doors for your to embrace your legacy…and guide others to do the same.

The countdown is on…You ready?