A love letter to the 6th Line Profiles.

One of the most reassuring aspects of Human Design for me has been understanding my journey as a 6th Line Profile {Role Model}. Our Profiles are the archetypes we came here to embody to bring our purpose to life & EVERY 6th line goes through 3 distinct life phases.

1. 0-30: Trial & Error. An experiential time of life where we gain subjective wisdom. {this was a relief to learn it was all for a reason 🤪}

2. 30-50: ‘On The Roof’. A phase where we gain new perspective on life, heal + gain clarity/learning around the first 30 years, gather new tools & resources & gain objective wisdom.

3. 50+: What I call our ‘Oprah Moment’. We bloom in an entirely new way in the world as an embodiment of our integrated wisdom & authenticity.

One of the most common fears I hear from fellow 6th lines in understanding this is, “OMG - so I have to wait until I’m 50 to experience any success?” The answer is absolutely not. You CAN & WILL experience success on the way - but the depth of the wisdom you’re here to share takes time to evolve.

When I saw a psychic not long ago, she said when she tuned in she wasn’t even sure if it was all me - there’s been that much life lived. We walk a unique path, but our experiences are shaping our depth. The knowledge & tools we gain are shaping our impact. We’re right on time. We have plenty of time. We’re only going to get better with time.

6th lines, I love you. Click through the gallery to see the epic women in their final phase who serve as an example of incredible success - YET, just getting started.