We’re all burnt out on the glamourized quick-fix methods in business. If you’re craving a solid plan that is aligned with your truth and with the well-being of the collective, then The Mystic Biz Summit is the bundle of your solopreneur dreams.

This collection of on-demand courses will bring you the clarity, strategy, and passion needed to kickstart your journey toward building a successful business in every sense of the word.

My fellow teachers also included in this summit are incredibly impressive women who have built 6, 7, and even 8-figure businesses, made bold moves in alignment with their truth, and paved their way through the noise to make a genuine impact with their work. 

Through powerful short video lessons, practical exercises, guided meditations, tools, AND 6 bonus resources, you’ll be primed for success in today’s constantly shifting digital landscape. This summit - worth over $22,000 - is available this week for only $88.

We believe that there is no ONE WAY to do business. 

The magic lies in finding YOUR way and honoring that fully, then utilizing strategies and tried & true methods to support you along the way.

The Mystic Biz Summit will help you…

  • patch up the holes in your current business strategy so you feel clear and passionate.

  • overcome stagnation, self-doubt, and imposter syndrome - at any stage of business.

  • learn to make the right moves early on that will lead to success and long-lasting fulfilment.

  • refresh your branding so it feels fun & rejuvenating and it works on a commercial level.

  • bypass the noise in the industry of all the "shoulds" and "should not's" & feel empowered in YOUR path.

  • increase your income and impact.

  • feel confident putting yourself out there.

  • discover the ways you've structured your business to fit generic models & formulas and make simple shifts to create a big difference in how your business feels and preforms.

What people have said about the summit:

“This summit is unlike any other I’ve seen. It’s full of practical information, easy-to implement strategies and guidance on how to ACTUALLY make a shift in my business. There’s so much goodness in the content library and the guided meditations really helped too. I’ve followed several of these women for some time and their experience and expertise speaks for itself.” - Skylar Woods

“Thank you so much for coming up with such a one-stop-shop, all you need to know for a starter, be it launching a biz or getting to know more about our personal life it’s all worth the plunge! I might not be in the stage of starting a biz but with all the information I get from this summit, it helps clarify my own purposeful path dealign with my own life and my full time job in the corporate world. I like that it’s short and sweet, yet straight-to-the-point information so it’s not overwhelming!'“ - Irene Tan