Simone Biles, the indisputable GOAT of gymnastics, has captured the hearts and minds of millions with her excellence, resilience and unparalleled talent. Her monumental career is a testament to her dedication, strength and innate genius. With 32 Olympic and World Championship medals, Simone's journey is not just a story of hard work, perseverance and raw talent - but also an absolute TESTIMONY to her unique Human Design.

Confession: I haven’t watched any of the Olympics this year. But I did watch Simone’s docuseries, Rising, on Netflix - so I was Olympic adjacent. I actually wasn’t familiar at all with her story, but after watching one episode I was absolutely hooked and immediately binged the next. The adversity she has overcome, the way she has remained so true to herself and her craft was not only inspiring, but tear jerking as well. And you know me, my favourite hobby is then pulling up the Human Design chart of the person I am watching and I was sooo blown away I immediately started threading about it.

So here I am, expanding all of this on the blog. That open heart part intrigues me greatly - Micheal Jordan also has an open heart. I wonder whether it’s the environment that’s amplifying the will? I need to interview some open hearted athletes. But back on topic, Simone is a fascinating case study that just speaks volumes about how she’s not only mastered her sport, but her design as well.

She’s a Manifesting Generator.

As a Manifesting Generator, Simone is designed to be dynamic, multi-talented and incredibly efficient. Sound like her? Yep, I think so. Manifesting Generators are known for their ability to handle multiple tasks simultaneously, often excelling in more than one area. Her ability to perform complex routines (in ALL areas of gymnastics!) with seeming ease, blended with her quick adaptability, is absolutely bang on for the Manifesting Generator (which I call the cosmic Hummingbird). She doesn’t just stick to one path but explores different aspects of her sport, innovating and pushing boundaries - to the point she has FIVE new moves named after her. Her explosive power and the fluidity with which she transitions between elements in her routines exemplify the Manifesting Generator's gift of moving swiftly from one activity to another, making it all look effortless. THE GOAT INDEED!

“At the end of the day, if I can say I had fun, it was a good day.”

She’s a 2/4 Profile.

Simone's 2/4 Profile, also known as the Hermit/Opportunist, brings a unique blend of traits that have significantly shaped her journey. The 2 in her profile lends itself to being a natural talent and having an ease with which she picks up skills – almost as if she’s been born with them. Simone's early success and rapid ascent in gymnastics are clear indicators of this innate ability (and yes, she has absolutely worked her ass off to refine this natural skill). The 4 represents her strong connections and a network that supports and propels her forward. Simone's relationships and the support from her coaches, family, and friends have played a crucial role in her success - something we saw in the Netflix documentary. The Olympics where she couldn’t have her community around her (Tokyo because of Covid) - she struggled. There’s no doubt that family, friends and team is HIGHLY important when you watch her. She has an incredible winners mindset yes, but she is also an incredibly generous hearted team player who is ride or die for those around her. This combination makes her both a deeply focused individual and a connector, using her relationships to create opportunities and thrive.

“Sometimes I hear the crowd cheering, and most of the time your body's on auto pilot, so sometimes even after I do a floor routine, I'm like, 'Did I really just do that?”

She’s an Emotional Authority.

With Emotional Solar Plexus as her authority, Simone's decision-making process is deeply tied to her emotions. This means she experiences emotional waves and needs time to gain clarity before making significant decisions. Her public journey reflects this emotional depth - with her courageous decision to prioritise her mental health during the Tokyo Olympics highlighted her emotional awareness and the importance she places on inner alignment. This authority means that when Simone listens to her emotional clarity, her decisions are powerful and deeply aligned with her true self, even if they go against external expectations.

"Believe in yourself and all that you are. Know that there is something inside you greater than any obstacle."

Her Strengths {Channels}.

Now this is where I REALLY got excited watching the Netflix special. Simone's Human Design chart includes the Channel of Openness and the Channel of Charisma, both of which contribute to her magnetic presence and influence.

The Channel of Openness

This speaks to her ability to remain receptive and transparent, allowing her to connect deeply with others and express herself authentically. This is evident in how she openly discusses her challenges and triumphs, inspiring many with her vulnerability and honesty. This Channel also holds the theme of ‘Grace’ - and one thing Simone did in her decision to extend grace to herself, she allows us to reflect on where we can extend that kind of grace to ourselves. This one decision has really been able to create a bigger conversation in sports as a whole. She reminded us that greatness doesn’t have to come at the cost of yourself. She also reminded us that the journey to success isn’t linear, and that even being the GOAT comes with unexpected challenges. But when we extend ourselves grace for being human, commit to the full journey - anything is possible.

The Channel of Charisma

This energy gifts Simone with a natural magnetism and the ability to impact those around her effortlessly. Her performances are not just technically perfect but also captivating, drawing audiences into her world. This channel is about expressing oneself fully and confidently, a trait that Simone embodies every time she steps onto the mat. This Channel is the busiest energy in the Human Design system - and so when she is lit up by what she does, she naturally inspires and empowers by example.

One last thing I want to share which could make my CRY with how perfect it is, but she has the Incarnation Cross (Purpose) of The Right Angle Cross of Eden - which means she’s here to create her own slice of paradise, but also bring the idea of what that could be to the collective. Which I feel we are seeing in the way she has fought for what is right, good and true to her - and setting the example for what that possibility could be if we adopted it too.

Simone is a phenomenal example of how Human Design can illuminate the unique qualities that make someone extraordinary. Her Manifesting Generator energy, 2/4 Profile, Emotional Authority and the unique breakdown of energy in her chart combine to create a portrait of a woman who is not only a champion in gymnastics but also a beacon of inspiration and authenticity. Through understanding her Human Design, we gain a deeper appreciation of the intricate layers that contribute to her greatness and her GOAT status.


You can get your FREE Human Design Chart here, then if you want to explore your own design further - either book a complete Human Design Reading below or check out the Self Paced Shop for mini-courses.