Permission Slips ✨ Undefined Edition ✨

When you open up your Human Design Chart, you'll see shapes that are either white or coloured in. (Squares, Triangles etc).

These are known as Energy Centres & show us what energy we have available to us.

There are 9 in total: Solar Plexus, Root, Sacral, Spleen, Heart/Ego, G Centre/Identity, Throat, Ajna + Head.

Each Energy Centre has a different energetic aspect - eg Solar Plexus is the home of emotions. Where we have white, open centres (undefined) - these are where we are taking energy IN.

We are sampling it, having an experience of it and reflecting that experience back out again.

We can look at these Energy Centres are where we are here to learn from in this lifetime, but equally - where we are here to gain wisdom that we can then alchemise into learnings that we teach.

Each open centre also has a “not-self” theme (shadow) & I often find that when working with my clients these are directly related to where their “not enough” stories pop up.

AND our undefined centres can often go seeking to be what they aren’t - especially around the start of the year committing to resolutions & goals.

For example, the undefined Heart may try and prove itself by setting a commitment to go to the gym 5 days a week.

The undefined Ajna might invest in a bunch of courses to feel more certain & expert-ier.

The undefined Sacral may seek to be more consistent (again 😅) & so on.

What if instead this year, we allowed ourselves to bask in the magic of what IS? To dance in the possibility of our openness & relish what it’s here to teach us?

Allow these permission slips to wash over you like a love letter to the depths of your wisdom ❤️‍🔥

You are perfectly enough just as you are. There’s no mistakes in your openness. See it as a gift ✨