Permission Slips ✨ Authority Edition ✨

I used to identify with being indecisive. In fact, I coined an entire term for myself based on this called ‘serial polling’.

I always felt so uncertain and confused when it came to decision making so I would ask virtually everyone around me for their input, because I didn’t fully trust myself to make the right choice.

Now, I understand that actually, as an Emotional Authority - I’m here to ride the wave 🌊 of my emotions to land in emotional clarity. I’m not indecisive, I just need space to process.

Decision fatigue is a real thing that consumes soooo much of our time & energy. A lot of this comes down to not understanding how WE are here to make decisions.

If we think of our Energy Type {previous post} as the vehicle we are here to navigate this life in, our Authority is our very own GPS.

Our navigation system guiding us towards our inner most truth. It's how we are here to make energetically correct decisions for ourselves.

Like absolutely anything, there is NO 'one way' or ‘best way’ to make decisions - so please feel free to throw out every piece of advice you've heard about pros + cons, needing to make decisions on the spot etc - as that may not apply to YOU.

Your way, is your way. ❤️‍🔥

Understanding how we are here to make decisions supports us to move powerfully towards the things that are true for us and place our trust firmly where it belongs: within us. 🔥

Swipe for your decision making permission slip. 🎟

{You’ll find which one you are next to the word ‘Authority’ in your chart. See the first post in the series for details on accessing yours ❤️}