Permission Slips: ✨Energy Type Edition✨

Uncovering my #humandesign type was an immediate soul exhale, permission slip + complete validation for so much of what I had felt my entire life & never had a name for.

It gave me a starting point to work WITH my energy, rather than against it. To take up more space, stop seeking permission & begin to create the realities I wanted to see in my own life - even when I had no evidence anywhere else that it was possible. I began to build my own.

Although our Energy Type is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the intricate, unique artworks that we are - understanding how we are here to be felt, experienced & impact is a life altering game changer.

We can begin to understand the vehicle we are navigating through life in and unlock our own unique magnetism. To float in the slipstream of our own genius rather than swim upstream in someone else’s.

One of the things I love most about Human Design (and as you’re probably starting to tell there are MANY 😂), is it’s not necessarily information we don’t already know about ourselves.

BUT…it gives it a name. A language. A framework. A way of understanding ourselves so clearly so we can enhance who we are, not aim to correct it by following someone else’s blueprint in moments of doubt.

Every single reading I have, beginning with the energy type, I witness a slow unraveling of ease spreading through the person in front of me. Their energy starts to swell, their body relaxes. Because all of a sudden, there’s an understanding & permission to BE MORE YOU.

“Oh, yes that’s exactly ME.”
“Wow, so that’s actually RIGHT FOR ME.”
“I’ve always thought that was a bad thing, now I see it’s actually amazing!”

In a world that constantly tells us that we can be ourselves - “but not like that” - knowing who you are allows you to say, “no, exactly like that.” And sometimes, we just need a little permission to embrace it.

I hope these permission slips land in your heart & give you a little piece of lovin’ on how spectacular you are. ❤️‍🔥

{See my last post on accessing your chart - you’ll find your type next to the words Energy Type if you’re new to Human Design}