A SZN Cleanse For Your Energy Type.

What if you could do a cleanse for your Energy Type in Human Design?

Just like the seasons change around us, so do our INNER seasons for both life, career and business. And sometimes, that means doing an energetic cleanse to create SPACE for the newness to land. This is the perfect activity to do every time you enter a new season or as a quarterly check in as you move through the year.

If you don't know Type yet in Human Design, you can find out here. All you need is your birth date, time and place. Basically, our Energy Type is the energetic 'vehicle' we're driving around in this lifetime. It explains to us how we are here to exchange energy with the world around us.

We come in-built with two emotional indicators which tells us when we are moving WITH or AGAINST our energy. When we use our energy correctly, we unlock a sense of flow and experience what is known as our 'signature' - which depending on your type is peace, satisfaction, success or surprise. Sounds delicious right?

When we move against it (most commonly when we are doing what we think we 'should'), we get a little nudge in the form of anger, frustration, bitterness or disappointment. Wherever this signpost is popping up in your life is a GREAT area of focus for your seasonal energy cleanse.


Nothing quite brings us peace like a nice clear path from a (our idea) to b (execution). But if our reality is constantly filled with 'interruptions' to our process, not only do we not have the the ability to work how we operate best (surge with a full tank of fuel followed by deep rest), but the inspiration has no place to land to begin with.

Where can you use your strategy of informing to create some extra space this season? This could look like giving your clients a heads up you'll no longer be taking bookings on Friday, blocking a whole week off in the calendar to let your ideas run wild, letting your loved ones know you need a full weekend of space to dive into your creative pursuits, decluttering your office or prioritising your physical restoration to let inspiration strike.

Decide what you need and give those around you a heads up.


  1. Restore the physical body. Baths, saunas, rest, yoga, stretching. Whatever works for you. Fill up your cup and get that energy motor you have defined raring to go again!

  2. Decide where you need more space in your life - and take it.

  3. Give those around you a heads up + inform what you need.

Generators & MG’s:

You're here for a life of satisfaction and joy. When you're doing what you love, it gives you energy and when you're doing things that you don't (often out of should or obligation), it drains it.

'Tis the season for what I like to call a Sacral Stocktake. What currently feels frustrating in your life? Can you remove it entirely, reassign it to someone else or refine it to make it more Satisfying? Meet any conversations head on where you get to honour your sacral no and set new boundaries.

Because ultimately, just because you CAN doesn't mean you have to. You are actually a custodian of life force energy and EVERYONE benefits when you're in your sacral joy.

So what is currently bringing you satisfaction? How can you double down on what you're enjoying?

And lastly, what are you doing that's just for you for FUN? What have you always wanted to try? This season is a beautiful opportunity to create space and explore it.

cleanse focus:

  1. Make a list of what currently feels Frustrating. Then go about refining, reassigning or replacing what feels Frustrating. This could even look like just putting a plan in place to work towards one of these this season.

  2. Write a list of what currently feels Satisfying. Double down on that and prioritise it.

  3. Explore something new this season that lights a spark in the Sacral.


This season is the perfect opportunity to redefine your relationship to success, identify the type of invitations you want to attract and recognise your brilliance in the process. So, what does success mean to you this season? Is it more rest, play, pleasure or fun? Is it a specific opportunity you want to create?

Next, what invitations do you want to call in? Is it more clients, podcast interviews, a promotion, collaborations, connections? Then check in: am I allowing myself to be seen/visible so I can be recognised for my genius? Not only that, are you visible in the RIGHT places? Eg if your ideal client is on LinkedIn - pour your energy there instead of IG.

Finally, celebrate YOURSELF and step into your own spotlight. Get out your journal or a notebook and fill in the following prompt: 'what I would like to celebrate about myself is...'.

Your perspective is as valuable as liquid gold! Own it. Honour it. Only enter into invitations where you feel that others value it as such too.


  1. Identify what success means to you this season. What gets to shift to align to it?

  2. Decide what invitations you want to call in + allow yourself to be visible in the correct spaces to attract them.

  3. Celebrate yourself! Remind yourself that you’re as valuable as liquid gold.


Your cleanse comes in two parts. Firstly, environment is sooooo important to you - both your physical (+ digital!) spaces and who you're surrounded by. Do you have a space that you can retreat to recharge your energy?

This might be a good time to set up (or refresh) an area in the house for yourself that allows you to do this. Are there any relationships in your life that aren't feeling supportive right now? What conversations get to be had to honour your needs?

Secondly, you're here to live a life of Surprise! Where have things stagnated or become too fixed for you? This is the perfect time to surprise YOURSELF. Mix up your routine, take the scenic route and create some room for spontaneity.

Start by asking, 'who do I want to be today?' and let your answer be like a dress up box of inspiration for your life.

cleanse focus:

  1. Clean up your environment - both IRL and online.

  2. Sprinkle some surprise in your life. What’s something new you can try this SZN?

  3. Who do you want to be today? Experiment with the answer.

During your energetic spring clean, you can listen to a custom meditation for your energy type to keep anchoring in all the fresh magic.

Hearing about other peoples experiments with Human Design is absolutely my fave thing ever, so feel free to let me know in the comments how your spring cleaning goes!