The Manifestor.



The incredible Manifestor - one close to my heart as it's my energy type also. We make up roughly 9% of the population. We have the incredible gift to act independently, initiate action, catalyse new realities, get things started and impact others. We are the initiators in society and can really be the spark that lights the fire in the hearts we’re here to touch.

We have a ‘closed and repelling aura’ for this reason so that we can move any resistance out of our way to make it happen. Our energetic field pushes outwards and can have a really big impact on those around us (even if we don't realise it because we are just being ourselves). I sometimes think of the Manifestor as Regina George in the movie Mean Girls. Before you panic - not because she’s mean haha but because she did what she wanted and no matter WHAT happened, she rocked it and people jumped on board (like that scene where they cut holes in her top and the next day the whole school had holes in their tops too). It's that whole 'get in, we're going shopping' energy.

Our energy says to those around us, 'get on board! we're going somewhere great!' (but either way, we’re going). We have a million gifts, but being a workhorse isn’t one of them. We work best in short, fiery bursts (surges) and then need deep periods of rest to follow so we can recharge our batteries to surge again. We may feel an energetic expansion and contraction as we flow through our surges and rests and if at any time you get in a space where you’re like I don’t feel like doing anything - that’s actually energetically correct for you and it’s simply the contraction before the expansion, or the next surge. We get to honour our rest periods that will create the spark for the next surge.

Trust that you are here for big things (whatever your definition of this is) - you don't need to ask for permission and if it's on your heart, GO FOR IT. Follow those urges and surges and do things your way, even when you can’t see evidence of it anywhere else.


Our energetic strategy might on the outside appear like one of the most simple - 'inform'. However, our greatest fear as a Manifestor is experiencing often we overlook informing because we don't want to be met with any resistance or opinions that might slow us down or derail us.

I remember for myself whenever I would share an idea or what I would be doing with someone, I would get questions. Suggestions. Feedback. All of which would make me second guess my idea (because often, we don't know ALL the details of the how, just the direction we are going - so we don't want to be questioned on it) and the feedback may have invalidated my idea.

On reflection, I wasn't really informing...I was ASKING. I was seeking permission or validation of my idea, direction or creation. Remember as you are INFORMING - you are not asking for permission. You're simply giving people a 'heads up' of your next move, so they have the choice to get on board or get out of the way - and so they feel included. Sometimes the people around us just want to be kept in the loop of our quick moving ways, because the shift can be sudden and can impact what they’re feeling, even if they don’t know why.

It may take some time for the people around you to adjust if informing is new to you. We’re ultimately communicating that unless we’re specifically asking for an opinion, you're just giving a courtesy heads up, which ultimately moves resistance out of our path. Remember, all other energy types are responding to the external world - we move differently. So other types won’t realise they’re putting us in an unnatural position of responding unless we let them know what we need.

The greatest magnetism we have at our disposal is using our strategy. So coming out of any permission based energy and stepping in to your raw power of informing. ‘This is what i'm doing, this is why it's going to be great and this is what I need’.


Anger is the Manifestor 'Not-Self' emotion and is a signpost from the soul to the body that something is out of alignment - which is usually when we are being met with resistance in our path or we are being told what to do (or asked to do something, putting us into a position of responding). What we really want is a smooth, clear path from a to b (and to be left to do what we want lol), which is why when we Inform, we give those around us a heads up which means that we can lower or reduce the resistance and move in the way we are here for: Peace.


Want to tap into your Manifestor power and drop into your signature of Peace? Head here for an empowering meditation.

Feeling that Not-Self of Anger? Head here for a Breathwork meditation to release it.

Want more? For a full Human Design Reading, head to + grab some oracle cards for your type here.


Deepen your understanding of your energetic impact, connect to your inner gps through your decision making process and learn how you’re here to lead + bring your purpose to life.