How much of what you do is because it’s “the way” it’s done and how much is how you actually want to do it?

🤔 Are the audios you’re using because that’s the type of music is most commonly used in your industry?

🤔 Are your offers formatted a certain way because that’s how you’ve always seen them done?

🤔 Are your morning rituals entrenched in the dogma of *what all successful people do to start their day*?

Or are they truly YOU?

Sometimes when we step into working for ourselves or the path of personal growth, we consider that we’ve ~freed ourselves from the matrix~ only to step into another.

To decorate the walls of another identity box.

🤷🏽‍♀️ Why can’t coaches, healers & spiritual guides use trap music over their videos, stories and reels?

🤷🏽‍♀️ Who says we need floaty dresses to be our feminine, and you can’t rock a black structured pantsuit instead?

🤷🏽‍♀️ Why can’t you change your brand colours every other month based on what you’re vibing? (I don’t even have brand colours lol)

It’s entirely up to you. If you’ve already chosen to walk a path for yourself, choose it in every tiny detail. You make the rules. ⚡️

Some questions to use to reconnect to your truth:

➖ Why do I do it this way? Where did I learn this?

➖ Do I like it? Do I want to keep doing it?

➖ If I had never seen it done before, how would I want to do it?

I promise it’ll be nothing short of liberating. 🔥