Let’s talk about the things that are no longer needed in this new era of business, creativity + legacy. 👋🏽⚡️

✖️Scarcity tactics of any kind.

For example - “limited spots”. Yes, obviously there are capacities but we truly do not need that language anymore…especially when the spots aren’t actually limited 🙃.

Reframe: “my energetic capacity for this offering is 10 people.”


“The retreat venue has 10 rooms, so we have space for 10 incredible humans.”

✖️Psychological pricing structures from the 80s (99 or 97).

Let’s keep it real, who sees that $1-3 off and thinks “bargain!”. We all round up. Let’s let that dollar store mentality go around our gifts.

✖️Prodding and poking ‘pain points’ to convince people to join your offering.

To me, this already sets the tone for the space as “fixer” and “fixee”. No one’s broken. No one needs rescuing.

As a facilitator, your role is not the hero in your clients journey. They are the hero’s of their own journey ALWAYS. So let them feel that.

Instead of speaking to the pain, how about we speak to the unlimited possibility instead?

Shine the light, show the potential and let people CHOOSE that for themselves. 🔥

Let their soul say “YES. MORE PLEASE!” so they can start the journey from a space of expansion, rather than ‘correcting or improving’ what’s not working.

Can you feel the difference in these? ✨

Frequency and attraction based enterprise is absolutely EVERYTHING moving forward.

We all have a unique way of magnetising our success - and none of it involved push or scarcity. 🙅🏽‍♀️

So let’s not uphold these archaic tactics and strategies that emanate fear, not enough-ness and limitation…

…and instead, breathe into the expansion, the freedom, the possibility, the lightness, the integrity & authenticity that comes from being in resonance with yourself and everything you do. ❤️‍🔥