Human Design Breakdown: Beyonce.

Beyoncé's aka Queen B’s Human Design Chart is a fascinating testament to her multifaceted talent and innate ability to inspire and captivate an audience. As a Manifesting Generator, she possesses an extraordinary energy and drive, allowing her to effortlessly pursue multiple creative endeavours with a high level of passion, drive and intensity. The Netflix special from her rehearsals for Coachella, anyone?

With her Defined Throat Centre, Beyoncé's voice becomes a powerful channel to express her emotions and connect on a profound level. She creates music that MOVES us - not only physically (who can resist having a boogy when Single Ladies comes on?) but also emotionally. How invested where we in the emotional rollercoaster of Lemonade?

She’s a pure embodiment of her Defined Ego/Will Centre, which unlocks her Sasha Fierce level self-confidence and her open G Center allows her to express a range of creative identities. If there’s one thing about B, she’s always evolving her visuals, fashion and music and inviting us along for the ride.

Her HD chart is a true reflection of her artistic excellence, the dedication to her craft, entrepreneurial spirit and unwavering commitment to empowering and uplifting others through her music, fashion and activism.

She’s a Manifesting Generator.

The Manifesting Generator is what I like to refer to as the 'cosmic hummingbird'. They're a dynamic and multidimensional being that are here to love what they do - and love ALL of it. Being multi-passionate is their superpower! When they indulge in their passions they are able to inject innovation and freshness to the collective by weaving the threads of all the worlds they inhabit together.

And when we talk about innovation and freshness, none are more innovative and fresh than the Queen B herself. Weaving soul shattering sounds, awe-inspiring videos and art + attitude as an extension of self with fashion. (I mean - her visual albums are a FIRREEEEYYY immersive experiential journey). Now entering her ‘Cowboy Carter’ era, she shows us once again that you can always take things in a new direction as a creative. The pure power of the MG - allowing the joy of their creation wrap us all up in it too.

This type is known for their quick thinking, adaptability, and versatility in various areas of life. Constantly flowing with ideas and inspirations, the Manifesting Generator possesses an intense drive to take action, which, coupled with their natural efficiency, allows them to accomplish tasks with remarkable speed.

Owning Parkwood Entertainment, Beyoncé's entrepreneurial ventures include a multitude of records, a streaming music service, fashion labels, beauty products and film production. Safe to say, she’s nailed the multi-passionate life and a great example of how you can house a multitude of interests under one umbrella and crush it.

“I don’t really like to call myself a brand, and I don’t like to think of myself as a brand. I’m a singer, a songwriter, a musician and a performer. And an actress, and all the other things that I do. When you add it all together, some might call it a brand, but that’s not my focus.”

She’s a 1/3 Profile.

Our profile lines are really the two archetypes we came here to play to bring our purpose to life. The 1/3 profile represents the personification and foundation of the human experience - the 1st line in the personality representing the mind and how we think, and the 3rd line in the unconscious representing the body and physical experience.

The 1/3 profile represents the ongoing human journey of experiencing, investigating the experience and resolving and understanding the unknown. Investigator Martyrs are driven to create a solid ground to stand on through their investigations (1st line) and need to develop a feeling of ‘readiness’ before sharing their findings. To do so they often enjoy hours of introspection and diving into the things that they’re curious about.

They are adaptable and resilient when they develop the kind of relationship with themselves that places themselves as the authority in their personal destiny. It’s important for them to have control over their environment so you can move from one discovery to the next - because the 3rd line loves to experiment with the wisdom gained from the 1st line investigations.

The mantra for the third line: there is no failure, only discoveries. It's important to focus on what was LEARNED, not what went 'wrong'. I always think of a scientist when I think of this profile, researching, building their hypothesis, then heading into the lab to experiment and find a solution to share.

Beyoncé is KNOWN for her thorough preparation for performances and projects (1st Line). The 115 days she practiced for her Homecoming performance is one example. She dives deep into research, whether it’s understanding the cultural context for a music video or perfecting every aspect of a stage performance. This investigative nature ensures she delivers the high-quality work we know her for.

Her career is marked by the continuous experimentation and evolution of the 3rd Line. She’s unafraid to try new styles, sounds, and concepts, even if it means facing criticism or failure. Her willingness to experiment is a key trait of the Line 3 profile. She consistently reinvents herself, adapting to changes in the music industry and her personal life. She's the queen of embodied mastery and cutting edge experimental realities.

"If everything was perfect, you would never learn, and you would never grow."

She’s a Sacral Authority.

The Sacral Centre houses creativity, sexuality and body wisdom. It's a 'gut feeling'. The best way to master this energy is to get grounded in the presence and trust that if you're expanding towards it, it's for you and if you're contracting away from it, it's not. Someone with a Sacral Authority might notice that you physically lean in or out, or you might even make sounds - eg. 'mmm! yes!' or 'ugh'.

The best way to make decisions is going to be to give themselves yes/no decisions, or two options and check what your gut is telling them. Sacral Authorities can build the strength of this relationship by only answering in SOUNDS. It's often the times they just 'knew' something, without the logic kicking in. So taking action from the body wisdom BEFORE the head kicks in and over-analyses everything.

We definitely see that Sacral joy and signature of Satisfaction fuelling everything she does. Beyoncé often releases music in unconventional ways (like her surprise album drops) which likely stem from a strong gut feeling rather than traditional marketing strategies. She’s also taken control of her artistry, ensuring her work aligns with what feels satisfying to her. This can be seen in her decision to self-produce her albums and direct her own music videos.

In the variety of creative endeavours she’s chosen, from music to film to fashion - she’s always picked ones that bring her satisfaction and joy. From her role in Dreamgirls or her creation of the Ivy Park brand, her decisions reflect her sacral authority guiding her towards what feels right and fulfilling.

"My focus is my art, and that’s what I love to do. I have to be really passionate in order to do something. I’ve turned down many things that I just didn’t believe in."

When we get into some of the finer details with her design, we can see that she has an incredible gift of being able to use imagination to transcend any perceived barriers and create a pathway to innovative new possibilities. She has a knack for being able to move into new creative rhythms, embracing change and sharing her ideas, creations and curiosities with us and kick starting a movement as a result.

Her Gifts {Channels}.

Our Channels are the flow of energy in our Design and often speak to the ‘gifts’ we have. I see them as the ‘how’ we do what we do as they influence the natural way we impact others through our unique expression. Let’s have a look at how she’s leveraged the strengths of hers:

The Channel of Rhythm

I meannnn seriously?! The channel of RHYTHM for Queen B?! This channel connects the Sacral (life force energy) with the G Center (identity and direction). It gives her a natural sense of timing and rhythm, not just musically but in all areas of life - as we have f*cking SEEN! She has an impeccable sense of timing and rhythm in her music and performances. I call this channel the ‘human tuning fork’ and it really has a knack for returning people to their natural balance - with a love of all sides of humanity. I definitely see that come through in Beyonce’s work, there is a level of emotional connectivity that really does restore your inner balance when you’re listening.

The Channel of Curiosity

This channel links the Ajna (mind and conceptualising) with the Throat (communication and expression). It gives Beyoncé a flair for storytelling and a continuous stream of new ideas. People with this channel are often seen as inspirational figures who express their ideas in captivating ways. Beyoncé’s ability to continually reinvent herself and her music, bringing fresh concepts and ideas to each album and performance is definitely represented by the energy in this channel. Her visual albums and music videos, which often tell intricate and powerful stories, showcase her ability to communicate complex ideas in an engaging and impactful way. Any speeches and public appearances she delivers are also often filled with powerful messages and ideas, inspiring and motivating her audience.

want to learn more about human design?

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