The first of the Human Design Breakdowns are here and we’re kicking off with Pharrell.

I remember banging out to Rockstar in high school like my life depended on it. In fact, many of the songs Pharrell sang, wrote or produced provided a backdrop for pivotal moments in my life. And not just mine, the world. Who wasn’t clapping along to Happy? (24 hour video clip - GENIUS). Who wasn’t belting out Get Lucky at the top of their lungs?

Pharrell Williams' Human Design is a unique fusion of creativity, innovation, and artistry. Throughout his illustrious career, Pharrell has consistently pushed boundaries and defied categorisations, captivating audiences with his immense talent and infectious energy.

His Human Design captures a snapshot of how he embodies a harmonious blend of diverse influences, ranging from music to fashion, and even philanthropy. Pharrell's ability to seamlessly blend genres and experiment with different styles has allowed him to create a distinct sound that resonates with listeners worldwide.

As a 1/3 Emotional Projector - his lyrics and melodies often carry profound messages of love, unity, and self-empowerment, reflecting his genuine desire to uplift others through his art. Pharrell Williams' Human Design is a testament to his remarkable ability to evolve as an artist and leave an indelible mark on the world, making him a true icon in today's music industry.

Pharrell’s Energy Type: Projector.

The Projector is the badass natural guide, visionary and leader. They have a deep and focussed aura (like a spotlight) that actually goes into the other (whether that be person or project) and allows them to have an experience of it. This makes them valuable contributors to any team, bigger vision or creative project.

One of their greatest gifts is their ability to see and understand the bigger picture. Projectors have an innate capacity to perceive patterns, connect the dots, and identify the most efficient and effective ways to achieve a desired outcome. Their strategic thinking and visionary perspective make them exceptional planners and problem solvers.

Projectors also possess an extraordinary talent for guiding and directing others. They have a natural aptitude for recognising and leveraging the strengths of those around them, enabling them to foster collaboration and create harmonious environments. With their wise guidance and ability to see the potential in others, Projectors have the power to inspire and uplift teams, driving them towards success.

Pharrell has not only used his innovative and inspired way of seeing to catapult his own success across multiple industries, but guided other people to theirs through partnerships and as a highly acclaimed producer and most recently, creative director for Louis Vuitton.

"I'm always channelling other people. Usually the person i'm working with i'm sort of channeling them. Other times I think they should be channeling someone else, so i'll do that for them. They may not suspect it'll sounds good on them. 60% of the time they don't do it, 40% of the time people just trust and try it. Within that 60%, it'll go to someone else who absolutely gets it and trusts."

He’s a 1/3 Profile.

Our profile lines are really the two archetypes we came here to play to bring our purpose to life. The 1/3 profile represents the personification and foundation of the human experience - the 1st line in the personality representing the mind and how we think, and the 3rd line in the unconscious representing the body and physical experience.

The 1/3 profile represents the ongoing human journey of experiencing, investigating the experience and resolving and understanding the unknown. Investigator Martyrs are driven to create a solid ground to stand on through their investigations (1st line) and need to develop a feeling of ‘readiness’ before sharing their findings. To do so they often enjoy hours of introspection and diving into the things that they’re curious about (which might be why recently Pharrell said he starts every day with a hot bath).

They are adaptable and resilient when they develop the kind of relationship with themselves that places themselves as the authority in their personal destiny. It’s important for them to have control over their environment so you can move from one discovery to the next - because the 3rd line loves to experiment with the wisdom gained from the 1st line investigations.

The mantra for the third line: there is no failure, only discoveries. It's important to focus on what was LEARNED, not what went 'wrong'. I always think of a scientist when I think of this profile, researching, building their hypothesis, then heading into the lab to experiment and find a solution to share.

This is the beautiful balance we've seen of Pharrell in every industry he's touched - a deep understanding and wisdom, mixed with a willingness to leap and experiment - and ultimately innovate.

"Failure is not always a bad thing. You just have to be smart while you’re in the middle of it. You’re in the eye of the tornado of like disappointment to know that it’s just a storm and it’ll pass.”

He’s an Emotional Authority.

Our Authority represents our inner gps when it comes to making decisions. The Solar Plexus Authority is the home of the emotions - as such, they make decisions based on your emotions. As you can imagine, depending on what 'mood' someone is in, this might impact their decisions. So as an Emotional Authority, they need to 'ride the wave' of your decisions. This might look like; "This is a great idea! Nope, wait, I'm not going to do it. Actually, maybe it is good?"

Ride the wave long enough and these extreme highs and lows will eventually balance out and they’ll land with a knowing of what feels right. Those with an Emotional Authority also have the capacity to fuse emotion into their work and make people feel things (mission accomplished I would say). Emotions also lead to clarity & creativity for the defined Solar Plexus.

If i'm hearing something but i'm not paying attention to how I feeling, then for me I don't know what i'm listen to. That's my gps of understanding, that's how I process is by how i'm feeling. Everything's categorised by the feeling of it.

Some Extra Details.

He's also a Valleys Environment + Low Sound Determination, making him super attuned to how things SOUND. Valley environments also need to be connect to the source of where information begins - music, art and creativity is often the source of where information is distributed in an artistic way. That mixed with some key elements in his chart overall - ESPECIALLY his completely open Head Centre, which is the home of Inspiration and imagination.

want to learn more about human design?

You can get your FREE Human Design Chart here, then if you want to explore your own design further check out the Self Paced Shop for mini-courses. Or if you want to study it and share it with others, check out By Design - Human Design Reader Training.