Human Design Breakdowns: Sandra Bullock.

Sandra Bullock is one of the worlds 1% cosmic unicorns - the Reflector! Which when you consider the incredibly diverse characters and roles she's played on screen, that absolutely makes sense. The fact she now owns her own production company and has a whole host of philanthropic endeavours under her belt just adds to the complete picture of her role as the Reflector (especially with the 2/4 profile - the natural who adds value to her community).

One of the most common style of quotes that I found when researching into Sandra was about being YOURSELF and following what makes you happy - the embodiment of the Reflectors true magic (their ability to be themselves in any given moment) and also to follow their Signature of Surprise. 

Chances are if you've ever seen a movie of hers or seen an interview, you've developed a soft spot for her and her wisdom laced in humour and lightness and can sense that she has a huge heart and desire to make the world around her a better place. 

She’s a Reflector.

Human Design Reflectors are a unique and rare type in the world of Human Design. Representing only about 1% of the population - they’re the cosmic unicorns. Reflectors possess an incredibly open and fluid energy. They are like magic mirrors, effortlessly absorbing and reflecting the energies of the people and environment around them. They can be incredibly sensitive to their environment, easily picking up on the emotional, mental, and physical states of others.

Reflectors have the ability to reflect back to society the true impact of its collective energy, serving as a barometer for the overall well-being and harmony - kind of like the collective HR department. They’re really here to be a stand for what’s just, fair and equitable for the whole. It’s important for Reflectors to recognise their unique role and gift in society and find the right individuals and environments that support them and their true role: at the centre of community.

With 50 major acting credits to her name fora DIVERSE set of roles, her own production company and a string of philanthropic efforts, one thing she's done is stay true to herself and aimed to help others along the way.

"There's no race, no religion, no class system, no colour -nothing - no sexual orientation, that makes us better than anyone else. We're all deserving of love."

She’s a 2/4 Profile.

The 2/4 Profile is the very definition of 'introverted extrovert'. The Hermit wants to be left to do its own thing and the Opportunist wants to connect with others to share things. Because the Hermit is constantly dancing to its own beat, they'll attract the attention of others (especially their network or community) who'll call them out to share their natural talents, skills, gifts and wisdom. It has to be the 'correct' invitation however - one that truly invites the unique skills that align with their purpose, mission or destiny - in order for the Hermit to feel compelled to come out and share.

Answering any and calls can result in strain on the physical body (think burnout, fatigue and exhaustion). So the balance of solo time vs time out in network is important. What is powerful about this combination is the ecosystem that is created; the hermit uses it's natural gifts to empower their community/network - who in turn, become walking billboards for their talents, feeding in opportunities which afford them the ability to return back to their space to be in their own energy and their own process until the next call out.

Once they've had the opportunity to reflect and retreat, they'll either be inspired to come out and share their musings with their community, or will receive the correct opportunity that will compel them to step into it. When you look at Sandra's early career, this is exactly what happened. She was recognised for her talents in a off broadway play, that director put her in a for television movie that led to a series of films...including Speed. The rest is history!

"All the knowledge that I have doesn't necessarily make me brilliant, but I love acquiring knowledge and then sharing it with everybody else."

She’s a Lunar Authority.

The Reflector's decision making process is actually tied to the Lunar Cycle - taking approximately one month to land in clarity. The reason being with no fixed definition, this allows the moon to filter through all 64 gates in their design, giving them new perspective and clarity with each turn of the dial.

I liken the process to seeing a giant raw geode on the table. If I asked a Reflector to help move it and all they could see was the smooth sparkly front, they might say yes. HOWEVER, once they walked all around the table, they might see that it's heavy, sharp and they wished they said no. Reflectors gain clarity over time and so it's important to take the space they need to make those decisions.

"Savour what you are and not what everyone else wants you to be."

want to learn more about human design?

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